Project Management for Business Central

Attributes App


Welcome to the Prodware Project Management for Business Central – Attributes App help page
The Prodware Project Management for Business Central is made up of different apps that take the standard project functionality in Business Central a few steps further and increases the efficiency & flexibility of managing projects and providing better insights. This results in time savings and error reduction and enhances the ability to complete projects on schedule and within budget.
The Project Management suite has 8 apps. These apps work together to provide the full functionality. The Apps in the suite Project Management for Business Central suite are:
Project Template, Attributes, Invoice Template, Departments, Fixed Assets, Financial Allocation, Date Filter and Combine Invoicing.

The Attributes app
The Attributes app within the Prodware Project Management for Business Central suite allows a Job to be enriched with Job Attributes to add additional data and characteristics which cannot be stored in a field on the standard Job Card.

The Attributes app is flexible to set up so a user can add as many Job Attributes to a Job as they want. Additionally, the Attributes app can be used to filter the Job List to improve recognizability and finding a Job. Job Attributes can also be set up in a Job Template (see the Project Template section on this website for more information on the Prodware Project management – Project Template app) so Job Attributes are automatically added to a Job when applying a Job Template.

The Attributes App is fully integrated with the Project Template App which therefore will also be part of the installment. Upon subscription to the Project Template App it is possible to use a template to add a set of default and optional Attributes to a Project. This way you can ensure a Project is always easy to find and organize.


  1. How do I install and set up the application?
    For an installation and setup guide please refer to the Project Management for Business Central manual, chapter Attributes.
  2. What functionality does this app give me rather than standard Microsoft Dynamics Business Central?
    With the Attribute app the user can enrich Jobs with predefined or Job specific Attributes. This a flexible way to save information on a Job for which standard Business Central fields are not available.
  3. How will this app help my business?
    A common business pain when working with the standard Jobs module in Business Central is that your business, projects or contracts require you to save additional information for your jobs. The Attributes app closes this gap by providing a flexible way to save this information with user defined variables, categorize Jobs and make them easy to find by filtering on Job Attributes and use Job Attributes to create management reports and insights for your projects and contracts.
  4. Who are Prodware and are they located near me if I need local support?
    Prodware is a global company with regional offices in 13 countries, delivering performance to our customers. We are in the business of helping companies step into the future by building the business processes of tomorrow. Contact us using the link below and we will route your specific question to your local team.


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